Try relaxation recordings

Panic attack prevention

Panic attack prevention

1.  Don’t wait till you get your first panic attack.  Learn to relax now either
by taking up a hobby or physical activity.
2.  Have a look at your diet.  Are you living on takeaways and junk foods.  Cut down on coffees and drink more water.
3.  Learn to spend at least 15 minutes a day in complete relaxation.
Go to this link, scroll to near bottom of page, and listen to the mp3 recording.   It is a free relaxation recording which you can listen to at any time.   Regular use will help you in your daily life.
4.  If you do have a panic attack, the first step is always to visit the doctor.  Eliminate all other possibilites before visiting a qualified therapist.
4.  Panic attacks are treatable.  Find a therapist who has experience of panic attacks, and start fighting back!   A great place to start is by clicking here.


Suggested reading about panic attacks:

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
panic attacks are periods of intense fear or apprehension that are of sudden onset and of variable duration of minutes to hours. panic attacks usually begin abruptly …
| Health | – Health Information …
If you have an occasional panic attack, no treatment other than explanation and reassurance is usually needed. If you have recurring panic attacks, see…
Panic disorder – NHS Choices
A clinical psychologist describes the symptoms of panic disorder, the treatments available, and what to do if someone you know

has panic attacks.

*** Disclaimer:   Please note that, as with all therapies, results may vary from client to client.
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